“Intention is everything, says Richard Seaman the founder of Seattle Life Coach Training. Without having a daily intention you’re wandering aimlessly without a plan.” As a SLCT graduate one of my many life changing take aways from the five-month Seattle Life Coach Training program was about speaking my intention into the Universe.
It is now two weeks into 2014 and many people have already thrown their New Year’s resolutions out the window. Good News! It’s not too late; it is never to late to begin again. This time begin with an Intention that comes from a place of wholeness and perfection. Resolutions don’t always begin from a place of love. They can stem from a place of judgment, disappointment and a belief that you are not already good and worthy, perfect and whole. Richard Seaman reminds his students that they are “whole and complete and nothing is lacking within them.” From this wholeness model he leads his students and clients through the 100-Hour Life Coach Training program.
SLCT teaches their students how to transform lives and to take their God given gifts and talents out into the world with the intention to serve the greater higher good. We begin every coaching session by asking the client to state their intention for their session. The coach may say something like, “My only intention for our time together today is that you leave with something more, I don’t know what that more looks like, I am not attached to the outcome, but I promise you will leave today’s session with more awareness and clarity. If you had an intention for today’s session what would it be? What is up in your life you want to be coached around?”
Every time these intentions are stated, miracles happen. A new insight – an Awe Ha. A bit of grace shows up and moves the whole process forward in perfect divine order.
Not only do miracles occur when I do this in my own life coaching practice, Mama Needs A Refill, LLC, but in my personal daily life. Beginning each day by taking a deep breath and quieting my mind, making room to discover my intention, creates a pathway to grace. This state of mind creates someone who walks with purpose, instead of wandering aimlessly without a plan.
Speaking and writing down your intention is your blueprint to manifestation. Richard Seaman also tells us that, “This Universe is a doing machine and it only knows to do what you tell it to do.” When you share your intention, outwardly or inwardly – doors open and miracles happen in your life.
SLCT’s high level intention is to teach and serve the greater higher good of all people who seek to evolve their life, and who want to assist and contribute to healing the world. Richard Seaman desired to share his gifts with the world and that is exactly what is happening. Seattle Life Coach Training’s intention is catching on and now with greater interest more classes are being offered.
In March the SLCT Life Coaching program will be offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. Check out the website www.SLCTSeattle.com for details about this twice weekly, three month program.
As you continue to walk on your path into the New Year may you discover More. What that more looks like, I don’t know, but I do know that if you Desire it, Claim it, See it and then Release it – IT will be Done!
What is your intention today?
Jenny McGlothern
Mama Needs a Refill, LLC.