Richard Seaman.

Produce yourself by saying Yes!

I often wonder where I would be if I had not listened to the voice of God. Where would I be if I had not stepped onto the path to walk a Spiritually Reliable life?

Once upon a time, I had one of those breakdown moments in the shower. I felt as if I was losing my mind, losing parts and pieces of myself. I cried out so loud to God, “I know I am amazing, talented and fabulous. I know I am not here to sling pasta in an Italian restaurant for the rest of my life. I am ripe and ready for the picking—God utilize me as your Divine instrument, in the peace and healing of others. God, I cannot go on anymore like this. I beg you, PLEASE send someone to produce me!”

It was a desperate attempt to get Gods attention, which, in my case is never anything short of melodramatic. I had gone complacent and was walking around in my life going through the motions, having temporary, fleeting in-sights—dreaming and seeing who I could become. Standing naked in the shower, water dripping down my body seemed metaphorical as I was having an emotional crisis, screaming, crying and complaining of how things were not working in my life. Then I heard the Voice—the voice neither male nor female, a voice so clear, direct, and precise like a laser, surround me from all directions and yell into me—Produce Yourself!

Yes, I thought, “Yes,” I screamed out loud back at the Voice. “Is that what you want? You want me to show up, move my feet and produce myself? Then show me the way, show me how, open doors and I will walk through them all.” I yelled. From this Holy Instant, this Holy break-through the doors did open, and quite rapidly I must add, and my life was never the same again.
Many people seek counsel from me in my private coaching practice. A large number of people want to find their purpose in life. Usually, the first question out of my mouth is:

“If God were an employer, would he hire you?”

Just like an employer who has hired you to do a job, God will send you out into the world to serve, but only if you are spiritually reliable and 100% committed to the job. He prefers to send out those who are consistent and live their lives with follow through, integrity and will show up with a positive and activated attitude. If you are floundering to answer this question there may be some up leveling that needs to be dealt with in your life. You’re probably wondering what does being spiritually reliable mean anyway? Spiritual Reliability means being loyal and obedient to the truth of spirit as it arrives in each moment

Most people in this world wish to live a life that is purposeful, while also having the greatest intentions of helping the world and making it a better place. I once heard someone say that many spiritual people have taken on a belief that you are going to be broke if you are spiritual. This belief needs to be shattered. The reality is that we live in a western world, which means that we have bills, rent, food and finances to meet in order to survive. We’re not mystics in a monastery; we are mystics in the world. So as a result we must learn to monetize our skills, gifts and talents. You will be compensated financially to the same degree that you add value into the world.

If you believe, like millions of other people in the world, that you do not have a life purpose, you are cheating yourself. That belief in and of itself is denying your purpose from manifesting. You need to reframe these thoughts. I have five questions for you to ponder as you read this book that could increase your potential of doing so.

  • What is your gift to the world?
  • What is your message to share with the world?
  • What can you teach?
  • How can you inspire and shine a light into the world?
  • How can you bring a piece of truth to someone’s life?

Usually, what I have found is that wherever you have had to do the biggest piece of work in your life is where you will be the most powerful. I sometimes say, “Your mess becomes your ministry; your messes become your message.”My teachings convey how to be spiritually reliable. Like all people, I struggle with being spiritually reliable at times, but I always go back to a teaching that has enlightened me.

“We teach what we need to learn the most.”

Sometimes it is not easy to show up for God and be his instrument. Other times it can be very easy to show up because there is a groove we slide into. It somehow lifts us up, over and through the struggle, ultimately connecting to God to become spirits’ tool. This space of possibility is a mystery to me every day. Why can we sometimes find the “groove” and why do we lose it at other times?

There are many other teachers, past and present, who have taken on this compassion towards humanity to aid in the greater good of the world. Teachers like: Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Don Miguel Ruiz, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Buddha, Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Oprah Winfrey, Neale Donald Walsch, Joel Osteen and many more. The theme within these great teachers is that they are spiritually reliable. They are willing to be utilized for a greater higher purpose. They asked the question, “How may I best serve?” They listened, and then acted with their life to contribute to a greater, more profound, healing purpose in the world.

Thank you God for Yelling into me, Produce Yourself as Seattle Life Coach Training and my many books are now some of the physical manifestations to the many Yeses I spoke back to you when you gave me my divine orders. I said Yes to being an awarding winning, global, world wide speaker, writer and teacher many years ago and this has manifested as my reality. I thank you for trusting me with this magical calling and life purpose, and for this truth, I thank you God for the grace you have bestowed upon me. I am honored to do your work on earth, as it is done in heaven, to the best of my human abilities.


1) The Divine plan for your life is never a straight shot to the goal.

2) When you think you know the plan, be prepared to shift with Spirit’s needs. A Spiritually Reliable person is able to reset and readjust quickly!

3) Let go of the When, Where and How. All you need to do is say Yes to being a vessel for the peace and healing of others and let the Universe work out all the details.

4) God can dream a bigger dream than you can dream for yourself. When you let go and let God, what shows up as your divine compensation is remarkable and beyond your wildest dreams.

Spiritually Reliable,
Richard Seaman
Founder of Seattle Life Coach Training

Author of the book, Spiritual Reliability – Learning to Become God’s Employee

Richard Seaman is an award winning teacher, gifted speaker and the founder and director of Seattle Life Coach Training. A native of Seattle, Richard brings his gifts and talents back to the city he loves. He has been a Master Life Coach and motivational speaker for more than 17 years. With his wise and intuitive knowing, and uplifting and straightforward approach, he has coached and guided thousands of people to a more powerful, passionate life.

Richard was awarded the Best Teacher of the Year 2011 by the Arizona Private School Association. Richard is the author of the books, It’s All in the Sharing and Spiritual Reliability, which helped secure a spot for Richard as one of America’s Next Top Spiritual Authors.

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Produce yourself by saying Yes!

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  • The SLCT Training Binder with 30 modules, sent to your home.
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  • Both of Richards’s books – It’s All in the Sharing and Spiritual Reliability
  • Imagery Skills for Life Coaches Script book by Linda Bennett,  a PhD in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

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